OmniWeb Help

OmniWeb Help : Reference : Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts

Some people prefer using the keyboard over the mouse when possible. This list is for you. It is not a complete list of shortcuts, but the most common ones are listed here along with those that do not appear in OmniWeb's menus. For a complete listing of all OmniWeb menu items and corresponding keyboard shortcuts please see the Menu Reference.

For that extra-special level of control using only the keyboard turn on Full Keyboard Access in the Keyboard preference pane of System Preferences. This will allow you to navigate OmniWeb's menus and window controls from the keyboard.

⌘← or delete Goes back one page in history
⌘→ Goes forward one page in history
⌘↓ Selects the next link
⌘↑ Selects the previous link
-click Downloads the link to disk
-drag Follows the link in a new window which follows your mouse as you drag
⌥⇧-drag Drags an image in a new window which follows your mouse as you drag
⇧-drag When an image on a web page is also a link, holding the shift key before you start to drag will drag the image instead of the link it points to
Opens the link in a new foreground or background tab, or a new window either in front of or behind the current window, depending on your setting in Tabs & Windows preferences.
typing a sequence of characters Finds and selects a link whose titles match the sequence typed, starting from the first letter of the link title (scrolling the page if necessary to display the selected link)
i.e. Typing 'main' on this page will select the link "Main Table of Contents" at the bottom of this page.
return Follows the selected link
enter Follows next page links on many web pages
Location Bar
Open the address in the field according to your Tabs & Windows preferences for command-clicking links.
tab Sends focus to the next form element on a page (unless the currently selected element is a text area, see below)
⇧-tab Sends focus to the previous form element on a page (unless the currently selected element is a text area, see below)
control-tab Sends focus to the next form element on a page when focus is currently in a text area
-control-tab Sends focus to the previous form element on a page when focus is currently in a text area
spacebar Popups: opens the menu of the selected popup, or closes the menu with currently highlighted item selected
Checkboxes: checks or unchecks the box
Radio buttons: puts the button in it's selected state
Form buttons: activates the button as though it were clicked
Popups: opens the menu if it is closed, moves selection in menu up by one when open
Popups: opens the menu if it is closed, moves selection in menu down by one when open
escape Closes a popup menu without making a selection
typing a sequence of characters Automatically chooses any item in a popup menu matching what you typed, starting with the first letter of the item in the menu.
i.e In a list of country names, with the popup in focus (showing a focus ring around the element) but not open, typing 'can' would result in 'Canada' being automatically selected.
page down
Scrolls down by one page
page up
Scrolls up by one page
home/end Scrolls to the beginning or the end of the page, respectively
-. Stops loading of the current page
-. or escape Cancels most of OmniWeb's modal dialogs and panels

Symbols used here:

Command, or Apple key
Option, or alt key
←↑→↓ Arrow keys

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